Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Dawn

The past are only good when they become lessons.

They're not to be regretted to,
or ashamed of.

Happy New Year, everyone...

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Sengsara Membawa Nikmat

Beberapa malam yang lalu, gak sengaja gw ketemu K Jun, kakak kelas gw waktu kuliah dulu di kantor. Ternyata dia adalah salah satu calon responden Fokus Grup Diskusi yang diadain kantor gw. Plus dua malam setelahnya, gw juga ketemu Tatum, teman satu angkatan, waktu lagi beli buku di Gramedia.

Kikikiki... ingatan gw jadi melayang di seputar mereka...

Waktu gw masih kuliah tingkat satu, sekitar tahun 98/99 (duh, jadul banget ya), gw plus beberapa teman ikut jadi panitia untuk sebuah kegiatan kampus yang kebetulan tempatnya di Darmaga (gw ngga inget kegiatannya apa).

Kak Jun (yang sekarang ini gw baru tahu dipanggil 'Bobby') adalah senior yang jadi semacam koordinator kegiatannya. Waktu itu ceweknya yang ikut kalo ngga salah Ade Tatum, Wahyu, Dewi plus Gusti. Cowoknya ada dua orang: Donny (yang sekarang jadi suaminya Tatum) sama siapa, gitu... gw lupa.

Meski kita kuliahnya di kampus tercinta di Baranangsiang, tapi kegiatannya ada di kampus Darmaga nan jauh.

Hari itu, kita kemaghriban di sana, jadi mampir di kost-an teman cewek (yang panitia juga) buat numpang sholat. Tapi yang cewek-ceweknya aja, Sedangkan yang cowok sholatnya pada ke musholla yang ngga terlalu jauh, tapi juga ngga deket-deket amat sih...

For your information, kost-an cewek (waktu itu) biasanya pintu + jendelanya tertutup rapat. Soalnya penghuninya biasanya banyak yang pake jilbab. Dan supaya mereka (kami) bisa bergerak bebas (buka jilbab di dalam kost-an), ya.. tertutuplah semuanya.

Selang beberapa lama setelah maghriban, kita pamitan pulang.
Maka, dibukalah sang pintu kost-an.

Anehnya, para alas kaki yang tadi kita pakai dan ada di teras pada ngga ada semua…
Kecuali… sepatu gw.

Sontak, kita carilah di sekitar teras itu.
Tapi udah nyari kemana-mana, tetap aja para sepatu temen-temen gw yang mereknya Converse, dan yang bermerek lainnya itu pada ngga ada.

Karena ngga ketemu-ketemu juga, dan para cowok dua itu belum datang, kita berkesimpulan: mungkin mereka yang pada iseng, ngumpetin sepatu-sepatu itu. Walaupun aneh juga sih, kok cuma sepatu gw yang ngga diumpetin.

Gak berapa lama, datanglah mereka berdua, dan kita interogasilah mereka.
Hasilnya? Mereka sama sekali ngga tau, tuh.
Boro-boro ngumpetin, mereka juga baru datang lagi sekarang, setelah mereka dari musholla.

Kesimpulan terakhir: sepatu-sepatu kita... hilang.
Kecuali… sepatu gw.
Sepatu yang emang udah rada ngga jelas bentuknya, karena di bagian bawahnya, baik sebelah depan maupun belakang, udah pada bolong semua.

Kehilangan ini dikonfirmasi sama yang punya rumah, karena di daerah situ akhir-akhir ini memang lumayan sering kejadian ada pencurian sepatu / sandal.

Gw inget waktu itu perasaan gw campur aduk.

Di satu pihak, gw bisa bersyukur karena cuma gw yang bisa pulang pake sepatu, soalnya temen-temen gw pada pake sandal pinjeman semua buat pulang…

Di lain pihak: malu banget sama temen-temen.
Maling sialaaaaaaaaaannnn… Ngehina banget sih!!…
Mentang-mentang sepatu gw udah pada bolong-bolong, dimalingpun ngga laku, gitu???

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Monday, December 22, 2008

A Tribute to an Oasis

Ada miscall lagi darimu.
Entah untuk kali ke berapa.
Pun kau coba untuk raihku lewat pesan-pesan singkatmu.
Sesuatu yang kutakut hanya akan jadi sia-sia belaka.

Mohon mengertilah...
Tidak ada lagi yang bisa aku tawarkan padamu

Mencoba merajut kembali semuanya,
Sama layaknya mengharap air di padang fatamorgana

Aku yang salah...
Berani kurang ajar mendobrak masuk dalam kehidupanmu,
Lantas memporak-porandakannya tak bersisa
Mohon ampunkanlah...

Kau tuntut aku dengan segala tanya:
"Tapi kenapa? Apa yang salah? Jadi bebankah?"

Duh, bukan beban...
Tidak pernah jadi beban...

Bagaimana bisa?

Kaulah sosok pertama yang menyadarkanku
Arti jadi seorang wanita
Merasa cantik dan berharga

Kaulah juga yang telah jadi oasis,
Beri aku segala tulus cinta, kasih sayang dan kekuatan
Tempat diri melepaskan segala lelah dan dahaga

Aihh.. andai dunia bisa sedemikian sederhana,
Mungkin nasib akan jadi lain cerita.

Tidak ada yang salah...
Hanya saja...
Saat hidup tak melangkah setujuan,
Akan kemanakah angin membawa jiwa?

Sudah waktunya aku teruskan perjalanan ini,
Pun begitu adanya dengan kau

Jalanku bukan jalanmu
Jalanmu bukan pula jalanku
Ini terbaik untuk semuanya

Dan jika bibir ini masih berhak bicara,
Dari kejauhan akan kau dengar lafaz doa di sana
Semoga Yang Maha mengaruniai segala kebaikan,
kebahagiaan, keselamatan dan keindahan
Karena itulah adanya dirimu

Aku yakin kau akan baik-baik saja,
Karena begitulah yang aku pinta dari-Nya

Namun jika kau merasa
Perih tak terkira
Dan mengutukku bisa meringankan segala,
Maka, biarlah...

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Surat Kepada Kawan (Arsip Jadul 2003)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Dear P….
Gak ada yang lebih ngerti dan tahu apa yang elo dan keluarga lo alamin selain gua (sombong amat, ya…ha-ha-ha…!)
Soalnya gua sama keluarga gua udah pernah ngalamin yang elo + keluarga lo alamin. Lebih parah, malah.

Bayangin… dulu bokap gua gak kerja… cuma jadi preman di pasar Mencos, Setiabudi. Nyokap gua gak kerja sama sekali. Kita makan dari hasil bokap nge-sit. Tau nge-sit? Malakin orang yang menang judi! Parah, kan?

Untungnya bokap bisa mijat & nulis naskah sedikit. Jadi, agak-agak bisa nafas, lah…
Rumah kita dari jaman Nabi Daud sampai sekarang masih sama: kontrakan.
Lo masih mending…lo punya rumah sendiri, bokap lo walaupun sempat nganggur beberapa lama, tapi kan cuma sementara. Doi udah kerja lagi kan? Nyokap lo juga kerja.
Kalo keluarga gua…?

Dulu tuh… kita sampai sempet makan yang namanya biji karet!
Tau biji karet kan? Yang sama anak-anak sering buat aduan itu, lho…
Nah… kalo abis temen-temennya ngadu biji karet, ‘kan ada dalemannya tuhh… terus abang gua biasanya mungutin, terus dimasak deh sama nyokap gua.
Gak keracunan juga udah syukur…
Makan nasi sama garam atau terasi doang sih udah biasa…

Kalo lagi ada acara di Gelanggang Mahasiswa (sekarang Pasar Festival), abang gua suka ke sana, terus ngambilin makanan-makanan sisa yang belum kemakan dari boks-boks konsumsi.
Doi juga ngojekin payung, jualan es mambo, sampe ngiter buat minta amal jariah dari mesjid…
Kalo mau main sengsara-sengsara-an… kita pasti menang, dehhh…!!!

Masalah utang? Keluarga gua jagonya !! (ha-ha-ha… :) )
Hhhh… bokap+ nyokap gua sering banget minta / ngutang sama saudara atau kenalannya.
Malu sih… tapi mau gimana lagi…

Terus, lo pasti heran… koq bisa ya, kita survive?

Jangankan elo… gua juga gak ngerti !!! ha-ha-ha…!! :)

Tapi mungkin… karena kita yakin sama Dia.
Dia Yang Maha Keren itu, lho…!
Karena kalo dipikir-pikir secara logika… gak mungkinlah kita bisa survive dengan keadaan begitu.
Tapi nyatanya… bisa, kan??
Itulah hebatnya Dia.

Elo mungkin sekarang ngeliat keadaan gua sama keluarga gua agak membaik.
Tapi untuk sampai pada keadaan sekarang… jalannya ituuuuuuu…
Berliku-liku, berlubang-lubang… banyak jurangnya…

Lo tau sendiri waktu kita kuliah dulu, gua mesti jualan piscok. Dan itu capek banget, lho…
Kadang-kadang gua pengen banget brenti jualan. Tapi gak bisa. Waktu itu bokap gua nganggur.
Kalo gua besoknya mau bisa makan + ngasih sedikit buat nyokap gua, gua harus terus.
Sampe akhirnya gua sakit TBC.
Tapi lagi-lagi si Maha Keren itu nolongin. Gua dapet beasiswa ICAC.

Gua cerita begini bukannya bangga-bangga banget hidup sengsara.
Gua cuma pengin ngasih gambaran bahwa meskipun kelihatannya hidup kita susah banget… masih banyak yang lebih susah dari kita.

Dan kalo lo renungin… banyak banget yang ternyata harus kita syukurin.
Coba deh lo pikirin dengan seksama… tentang hidup lo… tentang keluarga lo… pasti lo bakalan temuin bahwa elo tuh masih beruntung…
Buktinya, lo punya temen yang cakep banget kaya gua… ha-ha-ha.. :P

Dan bahwa Do-i tuh… sayang banget sama lo…
Sayaaaaaaanggg… banget!

Pesimis ?! Gak lah, ya…!!!

Demi Tuhan, P… lo tuh masih muda… agak cakep (hi-hi-hi…)… pinter, udah pasti.
Dan yang paling penting: lo tuh orang yang baik.
And guess what ?! Dia sayang banget sama orang baik.
Saking sayangnya, Dia juga pengen nge-tes… seberapa kuat sih kita ngadepin hidup?
Bukan karena Dia benci atau gak peduli sama kita. Justru sebaliknya…

Guru gua pernah bilang: yang bisa mengkilapkan emas itu api.
Maksudnya, cuma jalan susah, sakit ‘en sengsara yang buat kita jadi lebih kuat.
Ketika kita berhasil ngelewatin itu semua, kita akan jadi lebih kuat, dan lebih berharga jadi manusia.

Jadi… tabah aja, ya…?

Tawakal… percaya penuh sama Dia.
Bahwa Dia gak bakalan ninggalin kita. Justru kita yang sering ninggalin Dia.

Masalah mimpi dan ramalan…
Gua cuma bisa bilang bahwa yang bisa nentuin nasib kita itu adalah kita sendiri.
Tentu aja Dia juga berperan besar. Tapi titik centernya adalah kita sendiri.
Makanya, Dia gak bakalan merubah nasib suatu kaum, kalo kaum itu gak berusaha ngerubah dirinya sendiri.

Percaya deh sama diri lo sendiri. Percaya deh sama Dia.
Everything will be alright…! Trust me! I know…!

Sekarang ini… optimalkan yang ada pada diri lo…
Jangan pernah berhenti untuk ngembangin diri.

Bahasa Inggris…? Job interview…? … Keccciiiill…
Ayo, lah kita latihan…Kapan en dimana… terserah lo!
Mulai minggu depan juga gua mau…

Semua pasti ada jalan keluarnya, P.. Percaya deh! Asal kita mau berusaha dan percaya penuh sama Dia.
Ujian yang elo alamin sekarang, siapa tau adalah awal dari keberhasilan yang cemerlang di masa yang akan datang… Ya, kan.. ?!

Udah dulu, ya… Kalo diterusin bisa jadi novel, nih!

Hang on there, girl!
You can do it!
I know you can.

Si cantik yang manisnya gak abis-abis,
Ratu Gumelar

Catatan kecil:

Saat ini, kawanku P sudah menikah dan mempuyai 2 anak yang lucu-lucu.
Dia diterima bekerja di BI dengan gaji jauh di atas rata-rata kami, teman seangkatannya.
Sebuah rumah di perumahan kawasan Depok yang asri jadi tempat tinggal mereka sekeluarga.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Code Name: Arale si Kepala Besar

Sebut saja dia Arale. Julukan yang kami (adikku Dayu, Aa dan Mamah) anugerahkan padanya.

Arale adalah tokoh kartun Jepang yang mempunyai Ayah berkepala besar. Saking besarnya sehingga dikatakan bahwa kalau difoto, maka ia tidak akan muat karena ukuran kepalanya itu.
Agak ngga nyambung sih... tapi for the sake of our convenience, ya.. jadilah sebutannya: Arale.

Semuanya bermula dari gembar-gembor adikku tersayang tentang seorang pemuda yang juga masuk kantornya (eh, mantan kantor ding, karena dua-duanya udah ngga di situ lagi).

Orangnya luar biasa pintar, pernah tinggal di perpustakaan kampusnya di kota Gudeg dan melalap habis semua buku di sana. Jenius dalam dunia maya, sebuah dunia yang justru aku hampir buta. Suka komik, hal yang memang kami sekeluarga juga suka. Mantan gimbal yang juga drummer grup band aliran keras. Lumayan ganteng juga, katanya. Tapi ya, itu... katanya kepalanya besar...

Berita dan cerita tentangnya semakin hari semakin membuat penasaran. Kisah-kisah tentang special gift yang dimilikinya, juga tentang ukuran kepalanya yang sesungguhnya.

Sampai suatu saat, datanglah kesempatan untuk bertemu langsung dengannya. Aku dan Mbak Frances, atasanku ketika itu, datang bertandang ke kantor adikku. Mbak Frances ingin mengenal lebih jauh Arale karena hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan anaknya sendiri. Pertama melihatnya, Mbak Frances berbisik di telingaku "Ah... kepalanya ngga besar-besar banget kok, Rat... proporsional, kok.." Aku cuma nyengir mendengarnya.

Memperhatikan pembicaraan antara Mbak Frances dengannya, aku membayangkan betapa hidup - bisa jadi sulit untuknya. Menjadi berbeda, bisa membuat orang merasa menjadi 'alien', terasing di keterasingan, dan mempertanyakan kenapa.

Namun di lain sisi, betapa besar karunia yang dianugerahkan Tuhan untuknya. Apa yang dimilikinya, dan apa yang bisa dia lakukan adalah tanggung jawab yang luar biasa besar. Meski ini sama sekali tidak pernah dimintanya.

Aku hanya tahu dan percaya bahwa pasti ada alasan bagus kenapa Yang Maha menitipkan itu semua padanya. DIA pasti menganggap pemuda ini sebagai seseorang yang 'special', karena begitu pulalah aku dan keluargaku memandangnya. Berpotensi sedemikian besar untuk berbuat banyak pada sesama. Meskipun dia bebas memilih, tentu saja.
Kami merasa bangga padanya, juga merasa bahwa dia adalah bagian dari kami juga.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, adikku dan aku kembali bertemu dengannya. Kami sengaja ke Jogja dengan dalih minta tolong padanya menginstal-kan software pada laptop Dayu yang baru dibeli. Dia kelihatan lebih kurus, tapi kami ngga terlalu ngeh bahwa saat itu dia sedang akan sakit.

Saat itu dialah yang tak segan berepot-repot ria mencarikan dan membooking penginapan, pun berniat menemani kami selama di sana. Malam pertama di kota itu, yang kebetulan jatuh pada malam minggu, ada keramaian di daerah Malioboro. Selain berkumpulnya beberapa komunitas seperti komunitas sepeda onthel, ada juga dua panggung untuk dua kelompok aliran musik yang berbeda. Tiba-tiba, adikku terkikik-kikik geli. Rupanya dia melihat bahwa celana panjang jeans si Arale tidak terseleting.

Si Arale berkomentar "oh... ini sengaja kok. Biar aja orang yang ngeliat nganggap aku gimana... Aku udah pake daleman short kok...".
Aku tersenyum mendengarnya dan menjawab dengan santai "kalo kamu memang tahu dan sadar, ya ngga papa... Tapi kalau kamu memang ngga tahu, maka kami yang kasih tahu".

Keesokan harinya, kami baru tahu bahwa dia ternyata benar-benar sakit. Saat menjemput kami menuju kost-annya, wajahnya pucat sekali dan badannya pun kelihatan lemas. Rupanya sudah waktunya tubuhnya meminta hak untuk didengar.
Saat itu, tidak tega rasanya melihatnya sakit dan terbaring begitu rupa.

Memandangnya dalam tidur, membuat aku melihat sosoknya yang lain. Beda dari sosok orang yang mumpuni malang melintang merajai dunia maya. Beda juga dari sosok gahar yang ditampilkannya melalui tulisan-tulisan berbau sarkas ketika mengulik berbagai topik. Bahkan mungkin beda pula dari sosok kesehariannya di dunia nyata.

Aku tidak berusaha sok tahu mengenainya. Tapi saat itu aku melihat sosoknya sebagai... orang biasa. Seseorang yang jauh dari rumah, yang saat itu tidak berdaya, seperti layaknya orang kebanyakan yang sedang sakit. Mamahku bilang, "orang sakit tidak seharusnya sendirian, karena orang tsb sedang lemah-lemahnya. Dia harus dirawat dan disayangi, dijaga dan dimanja". Karena itulah, saat itu kami juga tidak membiarkannya sendirian.

Selang beberapa waktu lamanya, rupanya ada sesuatu yang membuatnya sedemikian gusar. Kupikir ini adalah akumulasi dari banyak hal. Kekecewaan, merasa disepelekan, merasa dimanfaatkan, disalahkan dan sebagainya - hingga mempertanyakan apakah ada yang salah pada dirinya.

Aih, Arale... kita tidak bisa memuaskan semua orang... pun tidak bisa mengontrol apa reaksi maupun pandangan orang terhadap diri kita. Yang mungkin bisa dijadikan pilihan untuk dilakukan adalah bertindak sesuai hati nurani, karena biasanya dia adalah refleksi dan cerminan dari Yang Maha Tinggi. Perkara bahwa cara yang kita ketengahkan adalah berbeda, aku rasa itu wajar saja. Bukankah justru perbedaan yang membuat hidup ini jadi berwarna?

Apapun 'wajah' yang kau hadapkan kepada dunia, peran apapun yang kau mainkan di sana, kau adalah kau. Utuh. Tidak ada yang salah.
Bahkan meskipun jika kau kehilangan semua 'wajah' atau kehilangan semua 'peran'... Kau tetap kau. Utuh. Tidak ada yang salah, tidak ada yang kurang.
Tetap ada banyak cinta, kasih sayang dan peduli di sana.

Karena itu, seperti layaknya Miyamoto Musashi yang mengabdikan diri di jalan pedang... malang melintanglah dengan bebas seperti yang kau suka, karena aku yakin kau sertakannya dengan segala bijak dan tanggung jawab.

Seperti kuda mustang jantan, berlarilah sekencang-kencangnya menikmati alam bebas, sampai kau temukan keindahan pelangi.

Ingat saja: begitu besar dukungan dari semuanya.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hari-Hari yang Aneh...

Kalo dinget-inget... sebenernya banyak banget 'hari-hari yang aneh' di hidup gw ini...

Pernah dulu waktu kantor masih di Gedung Surya (sekarang gedungnya ganti nama, tapi gw ngga inget), gw sama Gusti makan siang di warung Padang yang emang tempatnya sempit. Karna lagi lumayan penuh, jadinya kita kebagian meja yang udah ada orangnya, seorang bapak-bapak.
Gw duduk tepat di depan bapak itu. Waktu itu gw pesen ayam bakar - secara dulu masih murah... nasi + ayam + sayur masih 5 ribuan...

Eniwei, entah karna bakarnya kurang lama ato gimana, yang jelas itu daging susah banget dipotong pake sendok + garpu.
Daaannn... melayanglah si ayam... plokkk!!! ... pas banget mendaratnya di piringnya si bapak yang di depan gw itu.

Kita bertiga (si bapak + gw + Gusti) sempet pada diam sejenak ...
Tapi karna dorongan perut yang emang lapar dan rasa malu yang cuma seujung jari, maka gw cuma bilang "duh, maaf ya pak!" sambil dengan santainya gw ambil lagi tu ayam dari piring si Bapak dan nerusin makan...

Di warung yang sama juga, waktu makan siang sama Gusti dan yang lain, seperti biasa si warung penuh dan kita harus share tempat duduk sama seorang mas-mas. Dan di warung Padang manapun , adalah lumrah kalo kita disediain kobokan cuci tangan, yang biasanya buat masing-masing sendiri.

Waktu itu kita baru dateng dan baru mau makan.

Nah, entah karna gw ngga konsen ato waktu itu lagi ngobrol, gw cucilah tangan gw yang lentik itu di sebuah kobokan cuci tangan. Gw asyik aja waktu itu, sampe gw ngerasa ada yang aneh...

Kok si mas-mas itu berhenti makan dan ngeliatin gw terus...

Gw udah ge-er aja, sampe gw nyadar bahwa yang gw pake ternyata adalah kobokannya dia...

Morale of the stories: Kalo mau makan siang, bawa bangku + meja sendiri

Pernah juga waktu meeting di tempat klien, gw ngga sengaja numpahin air satu pitcher di meja meeting... kebayang kan merah-putih-birunya muka gw waktu itu... udah kaya bendera Belanda aja... untung kliennya baik... dia bilang "oh, ini udah sering kejadian di sini... jangan-jangan malah ruangan ini ada hantunya...".

Iya... gw inilah hantunya...

Pernah jg gw numpahin air satu gelas waktu jadi moderator group diskusi...

Apa karena gw bintangnya Aquarius ya, jadi ada cerita melulu yang berhubungan dengan air...

Yang berhubungan dengan sepatu juga banyak...Gw jarang sih pake sepatu tinggi. Paling kalo ada event - event yang khusus... presentasi atau meeting resmi, misalnya. Hobi gw ya.. paling pake sepatu cewek agak ke-sendal-sendalan yang model teplek. Sendal tinggi ada sih, tapi lumayan jarang dipake.

Dari mulai kasus yang paling baru, hari Senin lalu dimana sendal gw yang sebelah kiri memilih waktu yang tepat untuk copot: pas gw lagi ke Plaza Indonesia beli buku buat kado. Modelnya jepit tapi tinggi, dan jepitan tengahnya itulah yang copot... tapi karena udah biasa... ya.. santai aja. Ngga sampe nyeker sih baliknya... cuma jadi agak nyeret aja jalannya.

Kasus yang agak lawas lumayan parah... dan ini terjadi dua kali. Satu di bandara Kuala Lumpur yang luasnya amit-amit itu, satu lagi di hotel di Singapur.

Waktu itu ada project bareng Mbak Cilla (mentor gw utk kualitatif research) di cabang kantor Malaysia. Saat itu gw pake sepatu-sendal favorit gw. Padahal di pesawat sih ngga kenapa-napa... eh ngga tau gimana pas di elevator kok, ya... bagian bawah si sendal yang sebelah kiri tiba-tiba menganga lebar...

Nah di bandara ini, saking luasnya... untuk nge-claim bagasi aja musti naik kereta listrik dulu. Udah gitu, tempat untuk claim bagasinya juga gede banget. Dan karena kita ngga bisa-bisa juga nemuin bagasi punya kita, dan gw ngga nemuin sesuatu untuk bisa repair itu sendal, maka mondar-mandirlah gw bolak-balik di bandara internasional dengan sepatu-sendal menganga lebar...

Nah, yang di Singapur hampir sama... tapi ini kasusnya masih mending karna waktu itu malem dan hotelnya jg lobinya kecil... waktu itu sepatu-sendal gw yang sebelah kiri menganga juga... tapi menganganya lebih parah... saking parahnya sampe-sampe gw ngga bisa melangkah ke depan... Jadilah gw jalan mundur ala moon-walkingnya si Michael Jackson dari kamar sampe ke taksi menuju bandara...

Morale of the stories: Kalo pergi-pergi cukup pake alas kaki sebelah kanan aja...


Ada lagi... di suatu group diskusi, seperti biasa gw lagi jadi moderator...
Nah, sebelum ke topik aslinya, biasanya kan moderator menerangkan dulu diskusi ini maksudnya apa, terus peraturannya gimana, plus memperkenalkan diri juga...

Di sinilah biasanya moderator jadi pusat perhatian semua orang.

Dan lagi asyik-asyiknya ngomong sambil agak-agak ja'im karena diliatin semua orang, tiba tiba, ngga tau kenapa juntrungannya, lensa kiri kaca mata gw memilih untuk melepaskan diri dari kaca mata gw dan jatuh ke atas meja...

Maka jadilah gw ngomong dengan memakai kacamata yang bolong sebelah kirinya...

Waktu kejadian si lensa jatuh, semua orang amazed dan kaget (termasuk gw) sehingga kita sempet diam berjamaah. Baru setelah itu gw cuma bisa bilang "eh...? lho? kok bisa begini ya...? Sebentar saya keluar benerin kacamata ini dulu..."

Dan geerrrr lah semua rekan-rekan gw yang tau waktu itu...

Terus gimana kira-kira perasaan lu kalo pada sebuah hari minggu yang rame banget, di depan gedung sate Bandung, dimana waktu itu lagi ada pasar kaget, jalanan macet, banyak pedagang... pokoknya orang-orang pada penuh, lah... dan lu kepeleset jatuh tengkurap di atas aspal di tengah jalan, waktu turun dari mobil mau beli jajan...

Kebayang kan perasaan gw gimana? huhuhuhu...

Hari-hari yang aneh...

Read More....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Siapa bilang...

Siapa bilang orang Sunda ngga bisa bilang 'F'??

PITNAHHH!!!!! Read More....

Memiliki Kehilangan

Bulan puasa tahun ini kayaknya merupakan 'waktu yang paling berkesan' selama aku di dunia.

Tadinya aku malah berpikir bahwa ini mungkin adalah saat-saat paling sulit di dalam hidup dan kehidupanku.

Bagaimana tidak, tiga 'tiang utama' yang selama ini aku jadikan 'penopang': keluarga, pekerjaan dan cinta, semuanya runtuh pada saat yang bersamaan.
Tidak jadi sintingpun sudah untung, pikirku ketika itu.

Sempet rada-rada linglung sih, lumayan selama beberapa hari bangun-bangun mataku yang indah ini udah kaya ikan mas koki...
Pun asal ingat, pasti hati langsung dag-dig-dug karena kecemasan plus ketakutan yang amat sangat. Apalagi kalo udah datang penyakit 'this should not be happening', 'mengapa ini terjadi padaku' ato 'teganya dia melakukan ini...' fiuuhhh... jantung rasanya mau copot dan dunia rasanya mau kiamat...

Saking 'dahsyatnya', sampe-sampe aku harus berusaha menyepi, menenangkan diri.
Pada saat itu, sangat sulit untuk bisa 'melihat indahnya langit biru' ketika kitanya sendiri sedang merintih di bawah reruntuhan.

Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, berabe juga kalo terus-terusan tiduran sambil merintih di bawah reruntuhan... bisa-bisa saru sama kuntilanak, kan?

Makanya aku memutuskan untuk merangkak dan mencari jalan keluar. Lumayan kesandung-sandung, kadungsang-dungsang, sih... tapi keep going aja lah...

Untungnya, deep down inside aku selalu yakin Dia pasti ada... Habis, memang selalu begitu sih... (walaupun seringnya aku suka ngga ngeh…)
Dan karena lumayan susah koneknya, maka berkelana-lah diriku... ho-ho-ho...

Penginnya sih datang ke tempat-tempat tenang nan eksotis supaya bisa lebih khusyu merenungnya... ke dataran tinggi Kashmir atau Tibet, misalnya... ato bisa juga di keheningan Mount Everest. Yah.. setidaknya puncak Jayawijaya, lah... siapa tahu bisa menggoncang khayangan dan mendatangkan bidadara Richard Gere ato pemeran suami di iklan Pond's Age Miracle versi Menara Eiffel... khu khu khu... :P

Tapi apa dilacur, saudara-saudara... karena satu dan lain hal... penyepianku-pun akhirnya terjadi di suatu tempat di Sukabumi. Tepatnya di Selabintana dan PH alias Pondok Halimun (I know... sedikit garing, tapi lumayan lah, daripada ngga sama sekali).

Dari rumah kakakku yang punya usaha piscok Cakra (hayo, hayo... datang dan beli ke sana), aku pergi diantar sama Hasan, salah satu karyawan setianya Aa. Di tas yang aku bawa, terselip salah satu terjemahan Al Quran, juga print-an mengenai ‘Yang Maha’ yang aku copy dari website . Biasanya sih lumayan ampuh buat menenangkan kegoncangan hati (walaupun dalam kesehariannya, aku jarang sekali buka the Holy book... nakal, ya?).

Tempat pertama: lapangan Selabintana.

Ditemani selembar tikar, akupun mulai tenggelam dalam bacaan...
Lalu, dipicu keheningan yang menghanyutkan, pelan-pelan, akupun mulai bisa ‘sadar’ akan sekelilingku...

Hmmm... banyak pohon pinus, padang rumput menghampar... Ada juga kicau burung. Di kejauhan kelihatan hamparan kebun teh.. damai.

Tapi ada satu yang kurang: gemericik air.

Maka berangkatlah aku ke tempat kedua: Pondok Halimun, thanks to jasa Pak Ojeg.

Setelah hiking di jalan berbatu beberapa saat lamanya, sampai juga aku ke sungai di sana...
Duh.. airnya jernih... dan dingiiinnn...
Memandang berkeliling... kelihatan pepohonan dengan dedaunan yang tertiup angin... gemericik jernih air melewati bebatuan... suara jangkrik dan kicau burung di kejauhan...
hmmm... damai.

Tapi lama-lama serem juga, sih... abis tempatnya lumayan gelap... sepi pula.
Kalau aku kesurupan kan bisa berabe...

Akhirnya beranjaklah aku dari sana.

Hasil dari perenungan itu adalah... aku sadar bahwa semua yang terjadi adalah actually a bless in disguise. Karena bukankah aku yang minta untuk selalu diberikan petunjuk jalan yang benar oleh-Nya?
Tok-tok-tok!... haloooooo... justru ini adalah jawabannya, bukan?

I’ve been holding on to the wrong pillars. Aku berpegang pada pegangan yang salah selama ini. Coz they’re immortal. Fana. Ngga akan abadi, dan rapuh pula...
Satu-satunya yang bisa jadi pegangan sejati ya... hanya Dia.

Tapi kok ya... walaupun sudah punya pemikiran seperti ini, kok ya aku masih merasa sakit waktu itu. Tanpa dikomando, asal ingat apa yang terjadi, mengalirlah butiran air dari kedua mataku.
Bukankah seharusnya, kalau sudah punya pemikiran seperti ini, kalau sudah melalui perenungan yang dalam, maka tidak ada lagi rasa sakit, atau kecewa, atau sebangsanya? Selayaknya Ksatria Baja Hitam atau pendekar-pendekar Goggle V yang bisa ‘BERUBAH!’ dalam sekejab... menjadi seperti orang-orang salih yang alim itu..
Kok hatiku belum bisa sepenuhnya damai, ya..? (dan jujur aja, masih bergajulan pula)

What’s wrong with me???

Untungnya, di perjalanan pulang balik ke Jakarta, di KRL, aku membaca lebih jauh mengenai Dia.
Di situ aku found out bahwa ternyata ngga apa-apa untuk merasa terluka... ngga papa untuk merasa lemah.. Karena aku adalah manusia.

Fhhhhhh.... leganya aku waktu itu...

Semuanya aku tuangkan di SMS lebaran yang aku kirim untuk teman-teman. Isinya kira-kira begini:
“In this journey towards God, it is alright to feel hurt and vulnerable. ‘Coz that what makes us ‘human’. Just always remember, that by the end of this road, lies a reward worth all the pain and sufferings: God himself’.

Jadi, waktu itu bayanganku adalah... duh.. jalannya bakal lama dan menyakitkan, nih... tapi ya jalanin aja, lah... abis mau gimana...

Namun Dia itu memang ok banget ya...
Di saat aku kira aku harus menjalani hidup ini dengan membawa segala kesakitan, penderitaan dan ketakutan, Dia justru memberi petunjuk bahwa ngga selamanya harus seperti itu.
Bahwa menuju-Nya memang akan jadi sebuah journey... dan kitapun besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk salah dan dosa (namanya juga manusia)... tapi guys, sebenernya ngga harus dengan sakit dan derita kok... (udah kayak judul lagu dangdut aja, ya...)

Satu hari, aku lagi nonton acaranya Oprah dan tertarik dengan pembahasan mengenai sebuah buku karya seorang pengarang: Eckhart Tolle. Judulnya adalah ‘A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purposes’. Dari acara itu aku juga tahu bahwa sang pengarang masih punya satu buku lagi: ‘The Power of Now’.

Dan amazingly, saudara-saudaraku yang tercinta... reading those books benar-benar bisa bantu.

Di situ kita disadarkan bahwa ‘apapun yang kita pikir kita miliki’, atau apapun yang kita lakukan, atau ‘bagaimanapun rupa luar kita’, itu semua bukanlah jati diri kita sebenarnya.
Jadi seandainya semuanya hilangpun, tidak akan membuat jati diri kita menjadi ‘lebih buruk’ atau 'kurang utuh'.

Merasa ‘lebih’ dari orang lain sama salahnya dengan merasa ‘kurang’.

Bahwasanya selama ini tanpa sadar kita sudah dikendalikan oleh ‘ego’ – sesuatu yang sebenarnya bukan jati diri kita, tapi seringkali justru kita menganggapnya demikian. ‘Thoughts’ atau pemikiran-pemikiran kita lah yang paling bertanggungjawab atas kesalahpahaman ini.

Di buku ini juga dijelaskan cara untuk ‘sadar’ dan ‘ngeh’ akan sejatinya diri kita sebenarnya.

Jadi kita ngga usah khawatir kalau punya kepala yang panjul, besar, pitakan dan ada user-userannya tiga biji. Kita juga ngga perlu merasa rendah diri meskipun punya perut ‘ndut (gua banget), jerawat sebesar permen Fox, ato kalo punya pantat gosong dan burik sekalipun... karena semua itu bukanlah sejatinya diri kita sebenarnya.

Pun jika punya rupa cantik kaya Winona Ryder atau wajah tampan selayak Hugh Jackman, kekayaan kaya dinasti Bakrie, ngga usah merasa ‘lebih’ juga... karena semua itupun bukan sejatinya kita...

Bahwa seringkali kita terjebak pada yang sudah terjadi pada masa lalu – dan terlalu terobsesi pada masa yang akan datang, sehingga seringnya ngga nyadar bahwa yang bener-bener ‘real’ dan ‘worth’ adalah justru saat ini.

'The past is passed, and tomorrow is not yet to come. Accepting what is... and celebrating the present'...

Sekarang, setelah lumayan bisa agak terbebas dari rasa-rasa yang ngga jelas, aku masih punya concern.
Karena orang-orang terkasih masih terluka. Berat menyaksikannya.

Makanya terbersit dalam benakku untuk nerjemahin buku ini, biar lebih banyak orang dapetin manfaatnya. Latihan buat aku juga, sih...
Secara bukunya masih baru, jadi mungkin baru ada keluaran Bahasa Inggrisnya di pasaran. Kesananya sih mungkin bakal diterjemahin ... tapi ngga tau berapa lama lagi.. ato berapa pula orang mesti bayar.

Nah, mungkin terjemahan ini bisa sedikit bantu. Lumayan kan gratisan.
Masih baru niat sih... Aku jg masih ragu: apa bisa...

Tapi kalau memang jadi, kayaknya aku mesti buat satu blog lagi khusus buat terjemahan buku ini.
Terjemahannya pun mungkin pake bahasa aku sendiri, juga komen-komen tambahan dari pemahaman dan pengalaman yang relevan.
Bakalan jauh dari bagus... secara kemampuan aku terbatas gini... Jadi harap maklum kalo nantinya banyak kesalahan ato tidak berkenan.

Duh, bisa ngga ya...

Doain ya, guys....
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kita Masih Punya, Kita Masih Bisa

Lantas kenapa kalau ternyata kita bukan sang elang,
hanya seekor camar...
Kita masih bisa terbangkan sayap keliling dunia
dan jelajahi samudra-langit biru
membentang luas

Lantas kenapa kalau ternyata kita bukan sang matahari,
hanya sebuah mercu suar...
Kita masih bisa berbagi terang
dan berikan arah
bagi kapal-kapal terjebak badai

Lantas kenapa kalau ternyata kita bukan sang harimau,
hanya seekor kijang...
Kita masih bisa berlari menembus hutan
dan nikmati hijaunya dedaunan

Lantas kenapa kalau ternyata kita bukan batu karang,
hanya sebuah batu kali...
Kita masih bisa jadi pondasi
bagi bangunan bangunan raksasa pencakar langit

Lantas kenapa kalau kita hanya seorang manusia,
Kita masih punya Yang Maha,
Sang pemilik segala
yang akan selalu ada


- Sometimes in 1998/1999
- To: my beloved brother: don't give up on hope!
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Acornia: “Dare to Live”

Scene 01

Music Opening

Narration :

The Time (V.O)
Greeting, all fellow!
It’s been a while…
I hope the light of the sun and the light of the moon always keep you in company…

The Time (V.O)
My name is Time.
I’ve been a witness and faithful friend of stories of human - here on earth…
I’ve seen kings and kingdoms rise and fall throughout centuries…

The Time (V.O)
And today, I shall reveal a story about a girl named Acornia
A young Princess of the Kingdom, Acornia lives happily…

Beautiful Music

The Time (V.O)
As a young Princess, Acornia lives a happy life…
She is loved by the King and the Queen… also by the people…
She is a vibrant girl, a bit childish… and a bit spoiled…
But she loves her parents and her people more than anything…

Stage : - Acornia plays a doll
- Acornia plays ‘congklak’ / rope
- Acornia dances happily
- Acornia gives charity to a beggar
- Acornia tries to open something (could be a box or something else), but couldn’t… and call up her father to help her…
- The King then sits in a chair, helps her open the thing, and starts talking to her…

The King
My Dear child, Acornia…
Being a King or a Queen is not about a fancy title at all..
But it is about huge responsibility we have to the people…
As their lives depend on us…
We shall not make them disappointed or sad or weary…

(Smile happily, childish, spoiled…)
I understand, father….

The King
Another thing…
And this is very important…
This Kingdom relies on the Stone of Clients
It is with its power that our source of water running down for the drink of all creatures in this Kingdom…
It is also with its power that the soil become fertile and grow crops to feed the people…
We must protect it… Don’t let anything take it away…
Do you understand me?

Yes, father…

The King
(Smile and put his hand on Acornia’s head)
Good. That’s my child…

Stage : Both Acornia and the King step out the stage

Scene 02

The Time (V.O)
However, the peace in the Kingdom does not last long…
A monster comes and ruin the entire Kingdom,,,,

Music: for horror and fight (Gamelan Bali)

Stage :

The King fights a monster bravely; however he finally lost and killed by the monster (the Monster stab the King on his chest).. The King then collapsed on the floor…
And then the Monster seems to take something out of the King

I have now the ‘Stone of Clients’…

Stage :

The King is still lying on the floor; died…
From out of the stage, Acornia runs approaching the King…

Father..! Father…!
Wake up…
(starts to cry with her head up…)

Scene 03

Music: still for horror and fight

Stage: Acornia sits on a chair (a throne) with her hand on her head; listens carefully to the other two people – who are the commander in the Kingdom.

Commander I
Report, My Lady… the creature kidnapped and killed some of our best warriors! Our troops are scattered…!

Stage: Commander II enters the stage

(asking Commander II)
How is my mother – the Queen?

Commander II
(shaking his head sadly…)
We did our best to keep her alive My Lady…
But…We are very sorry…

(shaking her head and close her face with her palms; crying…)
This can’t be happening…

(A pause)

Stage: Commander I and Commander II look at each other in agony…
And then Commander I finally speaks…

Commander I
My Lady…
We understand how you feel right now…
Losing the people you love…
But as you know…
The Monster also stole the Stone of Clients…
Our source of life…!
Wee need to claim it back, My Lady…
Before our people suffer…

Commander II
He’s right, My Lady…
Now that the King and Queen had passed away,
It is you whom we – the people are turning to…

What do you mean…?

Commander II
You need to lead us, My Lady…

But how this is possible..?
I’m just a young girl…l

Commander I
But you are… the Princess of this Kingdom…
The daughter of your father and the daughter of your mother
They are the King and The Queen
And they were great warriors…

But how can I???

Commander I
My lady…

Leave me alone now…!

Stage: The commanders look at each other and then give a bow to Acornia before they leave the stage…

Scene 04

Stage: Acornia look up the sky and whisper sadly…

What should I do…?

Stage: Comes ‘The Angel’…

The Angel
Isn’t obvious, Acornia…?
You should take the responsibility…

Stage: Comes ‘The Devil’…

The Devil
But you’re still a young girl…
It is not fair for them to throw you such a huge responsibility…
Your uncle from other Kingdom has expressed His willingness to accept you in His Kingdom…
Don’t you want to have a happy simple life like any other girls…?

Music: happy and cheerful
Stage: Acornia plays a rope happily… and read a letter with heart shape… smiling happily…

The Devil
Not to mention that there are people who doubt you…

(only voices of some people…)

Music: music which is ‘tensed’

VO 1
Are you crazy, Senator?
You want to trust her the task of searching the Stone of Clients??
You want to hand this Kingdom to a young and childish girl?
You want to hand our lives in her palm???

VO 2
But she is the Princess of this Kingdom!

VO 1
She is not ready!!

VO 2
Then we’ll make her ready!

VO 1
This is crazy!!
She will endanger all the people in this Kingdom!!

(voices of arguing people…)

Stage: During the ‘debate’ – Acornia seems to listen in agony.
And when the arguments escalate, she closes her ears and her eyes…

Stage: The Devil looks happy and win while the Angel looks sad and defeated

And then Stage Clear

Scene 05

Stage: Acornia comes in the stage with a veil covering her face and a bag… She looks very sad…

The Time (V.O)
And so with a broken heart, Acornia is heading to the Kingdom where her uncle welcomes her…
However, in a small village, she meets an old peasant…

Excuse me, Sir…
Can I have a glass of water?

Old Peasant
Of course child…
Here you are…

Thank you, Sir…
But is there enough water for you and your family?
I know that everything is difficult now…
With things happened in this Kingdom,
don’t you feel afraid of what will happen later?

Old Peasant
My Dear,
Life is a journey…
Sometimes you need to climb the mountains…
But there are also times when you can enjoy the down road
All we need to do is to keep surviving

Stage: Suddenly, there is a short part of ‘Survivor’ song by Destiny’s child
The peasant dance energetically following the music
But when the music stops, he returns to be a weak peasant; coughing…

But it is very difficult sometimes…
Up to the level where you think you can not bear it anymore…

Old Peasant
Yes, there are those times…
(taking a deep breath)
Like the time when I lost my family because of war…
I was devastated… and nearly give up…
But then I realize that it won’t make anything any better…

So how did you overcome it?

Old Peasant
HOPE, My Dear…
As long as there is HOPE, there will always be a way…
Be strong and determined…
We will be able to pass it eventually
Although it seems to be very difficult at the first place…

Old Peasant
However, everything depends on us, eventually…
As the choice is in our hands…

Do you think there’s still Hope for this Kingdom?

Old Peasant
Certainly, Dear…
We have our Princess Acornia…
She is our HOPE…

Music: awakening (Devdas)

Stage: The peasant leaves the stage
Acornia stunned…
And then cry…

Scene 06

Stage: Acornia still on the stage
And then come the Devil and the Angel into the stage
The Devil is angry, while the angel is happy

The Devil
What are you doing?!
Leave this Kingdom at once!!!

The Angel
No, Acornia…
You heard what the peasant said…
There’s always HOPE…

The Devil
Shut up..!!!!!

Stage: The Angel and The Devil are fighting

- Make the fight as such that it involves the audience
- Go to their tables… chase each other there

Stage: When both are fighting close Acornia, Acornia pulls a dagger / sword and stab the Devil

And I choose HOPE!!

The Devil
(Lying on the floor)

Scene 07

Start the opening music of ‘Dare to Live’ – by Andrea Bocelli Feat. Laura P

Stage: Acornia is in the stage; facing away the Commanders
There are the two Commanders there; reporting to Acornia

Commander I
Report, My Lady,
Your uncle from other Kingdom has already sent his best warriors from his Kingdom to help us on the mission of taking back the Stone of Clients…
Helps are coming, My Lady…

(Turning her back – now facing the Commanders)
As you are aware,
This is a huge responsibility.
I’m not afraid anymore…
But I need your every support…
And I’m willing to learn and do whatever it takes to accomplish our mission
For the sake of our people…

Commander I & II
(Together, bow to Acornia)
We are at your service, My Lady…

Music: more of ‘Dare to Live’

Stage: Acornia is making a move to pull up her ‘kain’ up – a transformation from a Princess to be a Warrior

One of the commanders shows the audience a board with a writing:

The Mighty Whip;
Made from the steel of Quality Control
Implemented in each stage of research process

Stage: Acornia practices using the Whip; acted like The Cat Woman
Note: please add the effect of cat voice… (as in Cat Woman)

One of the commanders shows the audience a board with a writing:

The Silver Arrows;
Made from the active credential presentation
And good reputation of your work performance,
Spreading across all directions to find their targets

Stage: Acornia practices using the Arrows… sometimes being corrected by one of the commanders

One of the commanders shows the audience a board with a writing:

The Sword of SKILL;
Made from trainings and tools that the ancestors have had since centuries; FPR, CLoSE and Add+Impact are some of the metal elements that built it

The Golden Shield of AcornCare;;
Made from the strong and close relationships among Acorn people;
Built by the celebration and condolence of daily events,
Where people celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and felt being given attention to; and being worth on their difficult times

Stage: Acornia practices using the Sword and the Shield with Commander
First of all, she’s loosing and fall… (make it humorous, please…J )
But then she tries again, and this time she wins
The opponent Commander loses his sword and surrenders

The Time (V.O)
… And so Acornia made the choice of HOPE…
It’s not an easy choice, though…
Because the path she chooses is a path of challenges and risks ahead…

Stage: Acornia is crowned,
And then she leads the Commanders by standing in front and pointing forward…
The Commanders are ‘mendayung’ behind her….

The Time (V.O)
Do they succeed in the mission, some of you may ask..
Well… this is a journey, anything can happen…
But I think they will make it… eventually
Before then, I shall be their faithful witness
And who knows… I may tell you the ending of this story…


March/April, 2008

Read More....


Scene 01

Narration :

Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen
In a moment, you are about to experience a journey, knowing the story of Indonesia:
A transformation which involve great people in the process of building our country;

Scene 02

Narration :

Centuries ago, in 14th century, lies some kingdoms within the areas of Indonesia
But it was Majapahit Kingdom that emerged and soars to the sky, as it had the largest area, which reached up to Madagascar and conquered many other small kingdoms

The success of this kingdom was bounded to a name of a man: GAJAH MADA, who was the General of the Kingdom – a brave and a visionary man who took a famous vow as the prove of his determination for not vonsuming any delicious food (PALAPA) before Majapahit Kingdom is able to conquer all of the areas within Indonesia “SUMPAH PALAPA – THE PALAPA VOW’

Stage: Daniel as Gajahmada, enters the stage,
Props: Sword

(Take out his sword)

Stage: Gajahmada exits the stage

Scene 03

Narration :

As time went by, many things happened;
Changes in kingdom made it fall – and for several years, Indonesia was divided in smaller kingdoms;

The beauty of Indonesia and its natural resources attracted the invaders to come and took advantage of the area;

There were fights everywhere within the country;
There was Cut Nyak Dhien in Aceh: - a brave lady who was the leader of the Acehnese to fight the Netherlands

Stage: Nani as Cut Nyak Dhien; took out her ‘Rencong’ and run – as if chasing the enemy, and followed by Bowo and Daniel as the soldiers

(Take out her sword)
(Followed by Bowo & Daniel who also runs and make some noises)

There was also ‘Pangeran Hasanudin’ from Sulawesi Island – who had been called ‘AYAM JANTAN DARI TIMUR’ – ‘THE COCK FROM THE EAST’ for his bravery

There was ‘Pangeran Diponegoro’ from Central of Java – a prince who chose to fight the ‘Ruler’ instead of having wealthy life

Stage: Bowo as Pangeran Diponegoro – riding horse and use the whip

Scene 04

Narration :


However, as the fights were being done sporadically, their efforts were not able to cast away the invaders

Hundreds of years passed by…
The youth of the areas in Indonesia realized the need and the importance of having an independent country –
and to be united was the only way to do it

After all of the tears, blood, and lives taken in the fights against the colonialism,
The youth of Indonesia decided to claim back their freedom and be a whole new and independent country –
It was Sukarno and Hatta who were chosen as the President and Vice President of Indonesia; and proclaiming the historical text of ‘PROKLAMASI’ in 17th August 1945

Stage: Bowo as Bung Karno, and Daniel as Hatta is standing behind him

(Reads a Proklamasi Text & translated by the Narrator)

Kami bangsa Indonesia
(Narrator: We, the people of Indonesia)

Dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia
(Narrator: are proclaiming the independence of Indonesia)

Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan d.l.l, diselenggarakan
dengan tjara saksama dan dalam tempoh jang sesingkat-singkatnja.
(Narrator: The things that related to the removal of power etc, would be done in a scrupulous way and in the shortest time )

Djakarta, 17 Agustus 1945,
Atas nama Bangsa Indonesia: Soekarno-Hatta
(Jakarta, 17 August 1945, by the name of the people of Indonesia: Soekarno-Hatta)

Scene 05

Narration :

Years passed… Things happened within the new independent country.
Threats were coming from both inside and outside of the country
Which made the founding fathers gave the power to the next President of Indonesia: Soeharto

Stage: Bowo as Soeharto, smiling to the audience

During his time, good and bad things happened – the country was able to build the physical infrastructure, however was not able to build the mentality of the people.
Corruption was everywhere, done by everyone, and seen as a normal thing.
Suharto was able to maintain his power through force,
However, the need for change during the crisis in 1997 was calling out the youth and the students to revive and claim the democracy and forced the President down through the process of what-so- called “REFORMASI” – REFORMATION

Soeharto was replaced by BJ Habibie; the vice president who used to be the minister of Research and Technology and able to make the first local airplane – “TETUKO”.

Stage: Bowo as BJ Habibie – who smiles and ‘memelotot-melototkan’ his eyes to the audience and holding an airplane

After his short period, it was Gus Dur who was being elected as the next President.

Stage: Daniel as Gus Dur, and acts as Gus Dur

However, being unique, the controversies that surrounded him was endless and leads to the replacement process.
Megawati – The daughter of Soekarno, was elected to be the president

Stage: Daniel as Megawati (put on some lipstick, please…!!!) – only smiles and never speaks

However, her policy of being silence appeared to be not a Gold at all…
In the very first and historical election process, the people of Indonesia chose their President directly.
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) was elected to be the next President

Stage: Daniel as SBY – poses as making speech (without voice, and moves his hands)

During his present time, his government are having the difficulties of trying to survive from all of the natural disasters – and moreover, to keep trying in establishing the justice and reducing the corruption in the country

Stage: Bowo as the corrupter – being arrested and beaten up ( :P )

Despite of all of the challenges, as long as there is good will, there are still hope for better Indonesia

And who knows…

Maybe you are seeing one of the future’s most influencing people of Indonesia:
So keep in mind these names:
SATRIA WIRA WIBAWA, (Bowo bows to the audience)
DANIEL PIETER GUSTAAF) (Daniel bows to the audience)
NANI HOTIJAH (Daniel bows to the audience)

Stage: The three bow to the audience

--- THE END ---

Jakarta, August 2, 2006
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Script #1: “METAMORFOSIS of ACORNIA", an Acorn Indonesia Story

Scene 01
Narration :

This is a story of a girl named Acornia;
In search for her identity

Music Opening
Stage :

A guy wearing a Prince costume; with crown and robe. There is writing on his chest and back part of the robe saying: CLIENTS.
The prince is riding a fake horse (the one which is usually used for ‘Kuda Lumping’) or not riding anything; and act like he is looking for someone/something.
A girl enters the stage with ragged costume. Her face is half covered by a half-face-mask. She is trying to approach the Prince, but she’s hesitated and looks into herself. She doesn’t want to be seen.
Meanwhile, the Prince seemed can’t see the girl, even though they’re already in face-to-face.
At last, the Prince just walk pass by the girl, keep looking for something.
She turns her head to look at the Prince for the last time, and see him away.

Unspeakable pain runs through her half-covered face. And then, she collapsed on the floor.

Music Silence

Scene 02

Stage : Acornia is half-lying on the floor, when a gentle voice wakes her up

Acornia… !
Wake up, child…

Stage : Acornia wakes up, frightened.

Who is that?
What do you want from me?

Now don’t be afraid, my child…
I am your Fairy-God-Mother
I’m here to help you..


Stage : Acornia relieved. Not afraid anymore

What is it, child?
Why do you look so sad?

Oh, dear Fairy-God-Mother,
I have lost my love.
The man that passed me by is my fiancé
We have been engaged since we were kids
But now he doesn’t even realize my existence;
Nor I have the dare to touch and reach for him

Why, my child?

An evil spirit had put spell on me
I don’t know what to do
Don’t panic, little one.
Every problem has its solution.
I believe we can break the spell.
All you have to do is to dig inside your self and your heart.
And you’ll find the answers.

But, how?

That, my child..
Have to be sought by yourself.
Believe in yourself, and everything will be all right.
And do remember: you are Not alone


Don’t leave me


Scene 03

Stage : Acornia walks back and forth, thinking

Fairy-God-Mother told me that I have to dig inside of myself..
What is that mean?
What do I have?
What have I learned?


I do have weaknesses…
These are things that trapped me
And sent me away from my love

Stage :

Adhit bring a “tree board”, and Acornia stands right in front of it.
A guy wearing Evil costume; laughing, and carrying writings shaped in multiple weapons, and use them against Acornia. The writings contain “Less Confidence”, “Less infrastructure / facilities”, “Less Quality Control”, “Less Known / Promotion for Clients”, “Less people with skill on tools”.
Acornia looks frighten and provoked

I know my weaknesses,
But what are my strengths?


I know I have dedicated, loyal and hard-working human resources…

Stage :
Adhit plays Jim : A paper board putted in front of him, saying : Jim. Working hour : 7am-9pm
Adhit poses like a sitting man with glasses and pencil in his mouth, typing. Stop, and turn to the audience, saying: “The school is reaa..lly open”

Adhit plays Frances : ‘Frances’ standing on a tree board which has names of clients and proposal, playing her lips with her fingers, thinking

Adhit plays Nur : ‘Nur’ stands in front of “hands-board”, like Dewi Kala. Each of the hands holds writings such as: “pro-forma”, “invoice”, “administration”, “moving office”, “YET”, etc

Adhit plays Ina : Wear glasses with a writing on her head that marked $

Adhit plays Nurul : Wear a curly-hair-wig, sit and thinking. In front of her, there is a paper board saying : Nurul, working hour : 9am – whatever it takes. Behind her, there are writings say : “Absolute”, “Relative”, “Trend”

Adhit plays P Ronny : Wearing mustache and glasses, standing in front of a tree board with writings saying : “New interviewers”, “Quality Control”, “Honest”, “Accurate”, “On-Time”

And I have high spirit and beautiful dreams !

Stage : A man wearing colorful shirt, short pants, hat and sun-glasses. Carrying a bag on his back and carrying a signpost with writings saying : “2006 : Company Outing to Bali”, “2008 : Company Outing to South East Asia” and “2010 : Company Outing to Europe”

I am tough, patient and determined

Music : Wind blows hard

Stage :

A guy pose like a body builder, and then walk as against a hard-blowing wind, avoiding for an invisible strikes (think like Matrix), and keep walking forward

And the most important thing is : I believe in God’s help

Stage : A guy in a pray position


Very good, my child.
You finally understand.


Now I will give you MORE weapons beside your strength
for you to fight your evil


The Sword of SKILL;
Made from trainings of tools that your ancestor have had since centuries;
FPR, CLoSE and Add+Impact are some of the metal elements that built it

Stage : Acornia pose on her knee, accepting a fake sword from a guy

The Mighty Whip;
Made from the steel of Quality Control
Implemented in each stage of research process

Stage : Acornia pose on her knee, accepting a fake whip from a guy

The Silver Arrows;
Made from the active credential presentation
And good reputation of your work performance,
Spreading across all directions to find their targets

Stage : Acornia pose on her knee, accepting a fake bow and arrows

The Golden Shield of AcornCare;
Made from the strong and close relationships among Acorn people;
Built by the celebration and condolence of daily events,
Where people celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and felt being given attention to; and being worth on their difficult times

Stage : Acornia pose on her knee, accepting a fake shield

…And the last but not least;
Do remember that you are Not alone
You have all the spirit and support from your own very parents;

Stage : Microsoft Power Points : face of Kim Lean and Chong Wah slowly appears;
Or; there is a guy holding pictures of both of them

You Will be able to defeat any evil,
As their wishes
Be the feathers of your wings;
And their sphere of hopes
Have your companion,
Where ever you are

Scene 04

Stage : Out of no where, an evil come to the stage, approaching Acornia with bunch of weaknesses weapons, laughing.

Hey evil spirit!
I’m not afraid of you anymore!
I’ll fight you ‘till the last drop of my blood!

Stage :

Acornia and The Evil fight with their weapons until they’re running out their weapons.
The music suddenly change into the ‘Pencak Silat’ music.
Acornia and the evil continue to fight without weapons (movements to be arranged accordingly), until the time when Acornia knocked the evil down the floor, and put a piece of paper on the forehead of the evil (think like a Chinese priest put on the yellow-spell-paper to a Chinese vampire).
And then, the Evil left the stage by jumping (just like a chinese vampire will do)

(and then, there is the voice of the Fairy-God-Mother)

Music : Soothing-relieving-soul music

Well done, child..
Now you have learned and understand,
That the evil spirit comes from your-own-very-self;
And can only defeated by your own-very-self
And not forget to respect yourself;
Only in that way that people will respect you


Scene 05 : Last Scene

Stage :

A guy bring a paper square; shaped like a big frame; big enough to cover Acornia’s body from the eye sights. (The guy also bring other things: butterfly wings, flowers (or little gifts) and kertas manik-manik kecil; unseen by the audience
Acornia to wear the butterfly wings and the flower crown.

Music : You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban

… And soon, my child…
You’ll be as beautiful as the ocean pearl..
Your wings will be strong enough.. to fly against the stormy wind

Stage : The guy to throw the kertas manik-manik kecil up in the air;
Acornia to slowly walk through the paper and pose a little while.
Eyes stare on the audience’s eyes, and smile.
The guy to leave the stage.

..And you shall bring with you
The greatest hope!
.. For all of your people :
You shall become the gift it self for your people

Stage : Acornia to give the flowers (or the little gifts) to the audience

…And when the time comes,
You’ll know that you really ARE : ACORNIA,

Stage :

In the center of the stage, Acornia gives bow to the audience.
After a while, the Prince joins to give bouquet / a flower to Acornia, and kiss her hand on his knee. Acornia smells it and smile. They holding hands, and bow together to the audience.

--- THE END ---

Jakarta, August 10, 2004

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bendera Setengah Tiang

Reading the news about the bombing in Mumbai, India, it is shocking how human are thirsty for others' blood and lives; playing God.

... And how misunderstanding and mis-interpretation of teaching can turn into collective extreme ego; moving far away from its pure and beautiful essence of peace and bless to this beautiful earth we are living.

Don't really know whether the winning of Obama in US can make any difference.
But one should not lose faith; or hope.
'Coz that's what keeping us going.

This happening also reminds me of an email I wrote to a friend in last 2006; when there were offensive caricatures of the Holy Prophet Muhammad; and strong reactions on that:

Just want to share a piece of mind...
What I would say about the publication here is that most of the people are curious about the cartoons; as most of them don't have the access to internet while it is of course forbidden for the media to publish any of the pictures.

I have seen the pictures.
And I do think that the newspaper had very bad and wrong judgement and also lack of knowledge.
I think Muslims around the world would consider it as a big insult of the holy Prophet Muhammad.

However, looking at the bigger picture, we need also to learn where this is all come from.

As we (my parents and I) discussed, sadly we would say that violence and terrorism that took place anywhere in the world by the name of Islam may responsible for sending the very wrong image and understanding about the character of the holy Prophet Muhammad.

As By The Name of God, he is actually the most noble person ever created in the world!

So noble that the God himself claimed that He would not created the world if it is not for him.

He speaks the language of love, empathy and forgiveness to all man kind...

Teaching nothing but care to each other and share nothing but compassion to all man kind.

Spreading kindness and goodness in his devotion to the Lord of the Life.

Suffered so much yet so full of mercy even to the very worst enemy, where he would pray for God to show them the way instead of destroyed them - while he actually could've done that...

And how he loved all of us so that even when he closed to death, what he think and worried most is all of us...
Whether we can actually passed the test of life, and choose to be in God's way, where there and only there would we find the true safety and happiness.

So our reactions were that we are very sad that people around the world, the very people that he cared and love has this very, very wrong image about him..

But it would also wise to see what are the background and the reasons of this anger and hatred (which forms in the shape of violence and terrorism).
Would it be the bad external policies of what so-called the civilized and democratic countries??

It's like a 'lingkaran setan'... where we could not find the way out of this.

However, I do not lose the faith.
I still believe that one can actually make difference.
I still have the faith that if we truly are trying, then we may eventually send the 'correct' message about the true beauty of Islam and also of course the holy Prophet Muhammad himself, God be with him.

Insya Allah.

As we owe him so much.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This Morning

November 6th, 2007

Unexpectedly, for a glimpse,
this morning the sky of Jakarta were clearly blue.
And this, reminded me of you.

I asked the breeze, could he ever go so far,
to find a man and give him a bouquet of flowers in a crystal jar.

Or, shall I ask the sun,
to touch him warm on his skin,
As protecting him from the cold, is something I’m very keen.

And how I miss the gift of the great prophet Solomon,
to tell him through the singing of birds,
or simply through a meouw of his cat - how he is loved.
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Our Own Very First Fridge and Home Phone

August 28th, 2007

Good morning!

Last Saturday, Dayu and I went to Carrefour.
We bought a wireless home-phone and a fridge.
We already have the intention to buy those things before.

Dayu is best in choosing things to buy because she is thorough and careful and full of considerations.
She would ask what are the meaning of this and that and how is it to compare with other brands, etc.

And so I think we got a good product eventually (for the fridge).

It is a Toshiba - a two-doors fridge, non CFC, 180 L in capacity; has deodorizer to prevent smell
from contaminating other items in the fridge; and the more important thing is that it is the most energy-saving.

It only needs 70 watts while others with more or less similar spec would need more than 100 or even more than 200 watts.
So that’s good.

Moreover, they charge us none for delivery which was done the next day.

For the wifone - well, Esia is the only brand there is.
And so we took Esia.
We got home and bring back the phone; but we didn’t tell our parents that we bought the fridge.
We decided that it was going to be a surprise.

That night, we ended the day by calling my brother and his wife..

It was fun. Our parents seemed to be happy.

The next day, we found that the phone has already covered by a cute phone cover.
It turns out that she has already has and keep it just incase…

She also wonders why no body called so that she can picked it up and answered…
But ofcourse it was because no body knew our number yet… :)

But the best was when those men finally delivered the fridge.

My mom was very surprised, nervous and a bit panicked…
But definitely happy and overwhelmed…

It’s good to see her wide smile… and it never got off her face the entire day…
She was even ‘bersujud syukur’…

And then she did funny things like touching and hugging the fridge,
Looked and open it…
If we had camera, she even wanted us to take a picture of her and the fridge!! :))

For technical reason, the fridge was not suppose to be turned on until another 6 hours since it arrived to our house - this is to stabilize whatever the thing inside…
And since it arrived at around 4.30 pm, my parents woke up until 11 pm last night (maybe more)… just to experience ‘the moment’ - of turning on the fridge… :))
Have a wonderful day!
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Love Story: The Closing Chapter

"Hope this email finds you arrived home safe and well...
We hardly able to talk in this trip, so I don't actually know what happen at your end...
I wish everything went smooth this time.
Another thing I want to touch is about my so called 'behavior especially in your last two trips.
You may found me very 'weird' or 'extreme' :P
But it's OK..
You may even found me irritating and upsetting..
For that, I apologize.
I will try to explain it (eventhough you may not require it; or even want it)
I'm doing this because I learned that 'time' (praise God for it) can sometimes be tricky.
It can be felt as forever; but it can also slipped away as a blink without we know it.
I wish we can have forever; but we don't.
And I don't want to be one of those people who regret things at the end of the day...
And so I'm asking you to bear with me for a while...
This is a story about a girl you and I know very well."

There is a girl who has been having her feeling for a guy for quite sometimes.

Don’t ask her why, because she doesn’t know it either.
And don’t tell her about how crazy it is - (for huge differences which exist
in the eyes of the common people) - because it is simply how she feels about him.

There were moments when she wished she could tell her heart what to feel;
but she couldn’t.

Because her heart is free. It won’t listen to her.

Her feeling towards him, however, having the same essence over times, had been
evolved and transformed in many forms.

There were times when it was trapped in a typical format of ‘wanting to own;
wanting to possess’ - which is not a wise format of feeling to have.
Because she suffers - for the jealousy and sadness which occur,
for wanting him to be always around only for her…

And so she tried to ‘transform’ her feeling into a more ‘mature’ format (at least for her).
She simply change her way of thinking…

Returns to the values she always believes into: giving without expecting returns.

Just like what he told her once: "what we can do is to do our best. If other people
turn to be good to us, that’s a bonus".

It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want a return from him…
because if it happens, it would be one of the most beautiful blesses she ever receive…

But she learns not to expect it.
She learns to appreciate and treasure what she could have - instead of regretting what she could not have.

And so she learns to be already grateful and thankful if she can find him healthy, safe, and happy.

She wishes that he could be ‘home’ where ever he is.
Even if she is not a part of it.

She is willing to accept and be happy even if someone else take a good care of him.
Because it is him who is important.
Not her feeling.

And because she-too awares the value of time,
She is encouraging herself to be honest to him about her feeling.

With hoping that he wouldn’t be terrified or intimidated.

If it turns out that he does not feel comfortable about her attention or her feeling
towards him, she is willing to back off.
Because again, it is him who matters.

She would be grateful and happy for the memories she has with him.
Although he may not realize or even aware of it.

Ah, to have that free feeling of giving, is such a wonderful feeling.

She only wants him to know that he will never be alone in this world;
because he would always has her heart and her prays around him.
Where ever he is.

She also wants him to know that he is a very important person in her eyes,
and in her life, and hope that he would take care of himself.
As she couldn’t bear it if there is anything bad happens to him.

She also wants him to know that at what ever part of the world he may be,
There would be someone in another part of the world - wishing him every goodness
on earth..


"I apologize if you find this boring;
But it's a true story.
Wish you good."
"No, your story, and your feelings, are not boring or weird or extreme or anything like that.
How nice it is to be normal, and real, and have human desires and reactions.
There is nothing wrong with that girl.

She talks about 'time', which is the biggest curse for all of us. One day everything is limitless. The next day, well, "We can't do this, because..."

Life as we know it is one big trade-off. We can do some things and not others.

If circumstances were different, who knows.

The guy this girl is talking about wants and needs to be professional at all times because he has seen the consequences of others, and almost himself, when they are not. Maturity has nothing to do with it. It's just an obligations as sure as those that bind her to the hijab or ro the other road markers in your life. And she is also is professional. "


"I wonder...

Isn't exhausting for him to be always a professional at all times?

Are there times when he is simply a 'human'?"



"When he has been 'human', especially in far-away countries, and except for one or teo or three people who understand and respect human nature, he has been more or less totally punished for it.

Certainly he had to stop working because of it.

But he can walk with his head high and be secure in the idea that his name is clean

That lucky guy."



"As she is also a professional,

Is it possible to be a professional and human at the same time?"



"We wonder. The world doesn't help us be so."



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Being Different

Remember when I asked you about whether we belong to certain place/community/people?

Actually, it was something that I felt recently.
With the new people come, and as I know them until now,
I felt more and more ‘different’.
Different interest, different point of views, different everything..

And it made me felt.. alienated. An alien in a ‘civilized’ environment.
And it gave me this strange and uncomfortable feeling.I felt small and at some point just being ‘not fit’ and ‘not belong’

But I think it over, and I also think of what you said,
I tried to look me-being-’different’ in a different perspective.
I found that there is other way to look at it.

Different can make me an ‘alien’.
But it can also make me ’special’.

And guess what??
Being special is not at all bad or ashamedful!

It is sometime even make me ‘better’.
I have different ways, different interests and different views - which is completely fine!

I may not being ‘modern’ or ‘noble’ in the eyes of the world…
But again, is it all that important??

Don’t I care much more to try my best to be at least ‘worth’ in the eyes of ‘The Owner of The Universe’?
Or at least in the eyes of my own heart, my own conscious.

That is what important to me.

God, how I’ve been foolish…
If I tried to be what I’m not, I won’t be happy.
Because it simply isn’t me.

If I do it, I would betray and deny all of the blesses in my life! being ungrateful..
That would be the wrong thing,

So, now I would consider myself as being ’special’.
Feeling grateful about all the things I have and feeling good for being simply who I really am.

I am special.
And I am proud of it.

Thanks for reading.
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